Secure From Day One

Trusted and secure.

Data is at the heart of everything we do. From the beginning, we made data protection our top priority by embedding state-of-the-art security measures and strict data privacy controls across our ecosystem.

A new level of
Privacy and Security.

We believe in providing the best service for our partners, and we make sure we implement our products with security and privacy by design.

Strong Authentication

We hash passwords stored in the database (using bcrypt with a cost factor of 12). We check for strong passwords on account creation and password reset.

Secure Connection

Our website traffic runs entirely over encrypted SSL (https). This allows us to communicate using a secured connection, which protects customer data.

GDPR Compliant

Our global data risk management programme is built to GDPR standards and applies privacy best practices to help protect and respect personal data.

Security Notifications

Receive notifications and security alerts in the event that suspicious activity is detected. Users can secure their account by restricting access to unwanted third parties.

Backup Procedures

Scheduled daily backups are created and stored securely in different strategic geographical locations part of our business continuity management.

Vulnerability Detections

We conduct automated vulnerability scans quarterly, and at least once a year we have extended penetration testing conducted by outside sources.

Two-Step Verification

In addition to your email and password, you’ll enter a code from your mobile phone, adding an extra layer of security for your account.

Approved Staff

Employees must pass a criminal background check as part of the hiring process. They are required to encrypt their hard drives, utilise strong passwords, and enable screen locking.

Activity Monitoring

We review and observe employee, customer, and contractor activity to guard against suspicious or unauthorised activities.

Help keep Remote Tech safe

We recognizes the importance and value of security researchers’ efforts in helping keep our community safe. We encourage responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities.